The exciting feeling of riding a motorcycle sometimes comes with a sobering reality: motorcycle accidents can lead to severe injuries or even death.
In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in a crash than passengers in other motor vehicles.
Factors such as road conditions, speed, collision type, and safety gear significantly affect the probability of surviving a motorcycle accident.
This article will discuss the possibility of living through a motorbike crash, considering factors that can increase a rider's chances of survival and steps to take if involved in a collision.
By the end of this article, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of fatal motorcycle accident survival rates and ways to mitigate risks while enjoying the thrill of motorcycle riding.

What Are the Odds of Surviving a Motorcycle Accident?
Motorcycle accidents pose a significant risk to riders, with each accident presenting a unique set of circumstances that affect the odds of survival.
Moreover, motorcycle accidents happen with alarming frequency, with approximately 111,000 crashes happening nationwide each year. Out of these accidents, around 5,114 are fatal, with the majority of victims being motorcycle riders themselves.
The Odds of Survival in Motorcycle Crashes
When considering these statistics, the fatality rate for motorcycle crashes is approximately 4.6%, meaning that riders survive accidents about 95% of the time.
In accidents involving crashes with other motor vehicles, such as cars or trucks, the survival rate is similar, with riders surviving about 95% of the time.
However, when a motorcycle crashes into a fixed object, the fatality rate increases to nearly 10%, reducing the survival rate to around 90%. On the other hand, riders involved in accidents without a collision have a survival rate of about 96%.
Why Motorcycle Crashes are More Dangerous than Car Accidents
Despite the seemingly high survival rate for motorcycle accidents, it is important to note that these crashes are far more dangerous than accidents involving passenger vehicles.
These statistics highlight the inherent dangers of motorbike riding, with the odds of surviving a motorcycle crash significantly lower than those for other types of motor vehicle accidents.
The lack of safety features commonly found in cars, such as airbags, crumple zones, and seatbelts, as well as the increased exposure of riders to impact and the elements, attribute to the increased risk.
Prioritizing Safety for Motorcycle Riders
While helmet use, adherence to speed limits, and other safety precautions can improve the odds of survival, the harsh reality remains that motorcycle accidents carry a much higher risk of fatality than car accidents.
Consequently, it is crucial for riders to prioritize safety by participating in motorcycle safety courses, wearing the appropriate gear, and exercising caution on the roads.
Understanding the Odds of Injuries in Motorcycle Accidents
Motorbike accidents often lead to discussions about the odds of surviving such an incident. However, it is crucial to examine the possibility of survival and the potential for injuries sustained during a motorcycle crash.
The Disparity in Injury Rates Between Motorcycle Riders and Car Passengers
Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveals a significant disparity between the injury rates of bikers and occupants of passenger vehicles involved in accidents.
In a recent year, NHTSA data showed that approximately 77% of non-fatal motorcycle accidents resulted in rider or passenger injuries. This leaves only a 23% chance of surviving a motorcycle crash.
In contrast, about 70% of car accidents result in no injuries or fatalities for the passengers, demonstrating a clear difference between the two methods of transportation.
The Causes of Higher Injury Rates in Motorcycle Accidents
Many factors contribute to the higher rate of injuries in motorcycle crashes, such as distracted driving, reckless behavior, and inadequate protective gear.
Moreover, the lack of a protective barrier between the rider and the road increases the risk of sustaining injuries, even in low-speed collisions.
Therefore, motorbike riders must prioritize safety and take necessary precautions, such as wearing helmets and attending motorcycle safety courses.
The Severity of Injuries and Importance of Legal Representation
Motorcycle accident injuries can vary in severity, with some victims experiencing minor cuts and bruises, while others suffer from serious traumas, including a head injury and broken bones.
Furthermore, the medical bills and possible time off work resulting from these injuries can pose significant challenges for motorcycle crash victims and their families.
In cases where negligence is a contributing factor to the accident, seeking the assistance of an experienced motorcycle accident attorney can be vital in obtaining fair compensation for damages.
These professionals have the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complex legal processes surrounding motorcycle incidents and advocate for their clients.
Motorcycle Fatalities in Comparison to Passenger Car Accidents
The probability of surviving a motorcycle accident might seem relatively favorable, but the numbers are notably higher for motorcyclists compared to fatalities in car accidents.
A recent study led by the NHTSA revealed that in 2020, 5,579 motorcycle fatalities happened, making up 14% of all crash-related deaths in the United States during that year.
Comparing Motorcycle Fatalities to Passenger Car Accidents
In the same year, studies found that motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die and four times as prone to injuries in a crash as passengers in a car.
This means that while surviving a motorcycle accident is possible, the risks associated with riding a motorbike are significantly higher than those of traveling in a passenger vehicle.
Factors Contributing to Increased Fatality Rate in Motorcycle Incidents
Various factors contribute to the increased fatality rate for bikers. One primary reason is motorcycles' lack of protection compared to passenger cars.
With less body mass to absorb the impact of a collision, motorcyclists are more vulnerable to sustaining serious injuries or even losing their lives in the event of an accident.
Another factor that influences the higher fatality rate in motorcycle incidents is the need for riders to master the skill of balancing their bikes, especially when navigating through traffic.
Also, this essential skill can differentiate between avoiding a crash and becoming involved in a potentially fatal accident.
Higher Fatality Rate of Motorcycle Riders: Statistics and Facts
According to the NHTSA, the fatality rate for bikers in the United States is 20 times higher than that for car drivers. In 2016, a staggering 34,000 injuries resulted from crashes involving motorcyclists, while 4,668 people lost their lives due to such incidents.
While the probability of surviving a motorbike incident accident may be relatively decent, riders cannot ignore the dangers associated with riding motorcycles.
It is crucial for riders to prioritize safety measures, such as wearing helmets and attending motorcycle safety courses, to minimize the risk of accidents and fatalities.
By taking these precautions, motorcyclists can significantly reduce their chances of becoming another statistic in the alarming data on motorcycle accident deaths and injuries.
Improving the Probability of Surviving a Motorbike Accident
Motorbike accidents can result in severe injuries and even fatalities. Riders can greatly increase their chances of surviving such incidents by taking certain precautions, such as:
Helmet Use for Protection
Arguably, the most crucial factor in improving the odds of surviving an accident is wearing a properly fitting, industry-standard motorcycle helmet. The CDC reports that riders who wear helmets reduce the risk of death in a motorbike crash by 37% and the risk of head injuries by 69%.
In fact, the NHTSA estimates that using a motorcycle helmet has saved approximately 1,872 lives, with an additional 749 riders potentially surviving incidents if they had used helmets.
While helmet laws vary among states, using a helmet when riding a motorcycle is strongly recommended to lower the risk of a head injury and associated medical expenses.
Participating in a Motorcycle Safety Course
Safe motorcycle riding requires knowledge and practice. Studies backed by the MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) indicate that riders lacking the necessary skills or knowledge are up to 30 times more likely to become involved in an accident or near-crash incident.
One of the most reliable ways to acquire the skills and knowledge needed for safe motorbike riding is by taking a safety training program.
Many states require that some riders complete a motorcycle safety course to acquire a driver's license.
Even in states where it is unnecessary, completing such a course can provide invaluable advice for staying safe on the road. Additionally, veteran riders may benefit from a refresher course, which can lead to motorcycle insurance discounts.
Making Safe Choices
Motorcyclists can make choices that reduce the risks associated with riding. Steering clear of risky behaviors can significantly improve the probability of surviving a motorcycle accident. Some of the choices that can improve safety include:
Avoid speeding, which is a contributing factor to numerous fatal incidents. Maintaining a lower speed allows for better maneuverability, increased reaction time, and shorter stopping distances, ultimately reducing the possibility of a fatal accident.
Stay away from alcohol and drug use while riding, as these substances degrade judgment and reaction time, increasing the likelihood of a severe or fatal motorcycle crash.
Ensure proper motorcycle maintenance, including brake servicing, oil changes, and other routine upkeep, to enhance the bike's performance and safety.
Stay focused on the road to avoid distractions that can lead to accidents.
Avoid riding in unfavorable weather conditions, such as icy or slick roads, which can compromise the motorcycle's control and stability.
Crucial Steps to Follow in the Aftermath of a Motorcycle Crash
Motorcycle accidents can be severe and sometimes fatal. Ensuring that riders involved in a motorcycle crash take the proper steps following the incident can significantly impact their odds of survival and overall recovery.
Here are five essential steps to follow in the aftermath of a motorcycle crash:
Step One: Safely Move out of Oncoming Traffic
Motorbike incidents on busy roads or highways can heighten the risk of oncoming vehicles striking those involved.
Victims should wait for a break in traffic and swiftly move to the shoulder if possible. If they cannot move, it is crucial to call for help and wait for emergency services to arrive.
Step Two: Quickly Call Emergency Services
Rapid medical assistance can increase the probability of surviving a motorcycle accident. Calling 911 without delay is a critical step that could save lives.
Moreover, if the victim loses or damages their phone during the accident, shouting for help from passers-by can ensure that they contact emergency services.
Step Three: Retain Protective Gear
In most cases, it is crucial to keep helmets and protective gear on following an accident. Attempting to remove a helmet may worsen head or neck injuries, leaving the person more vulnerable to further harm. If a first-aid kit for motorcyclists is available, exposed wounds can be tended to while waiting for paramedics.
Step Four: Document the Accident Scene
Once safely out of traffic, documenting the accident scene can be invaluable. Taking photos of the motorcycle, any other vehicles involved, and the surrounding area can provide crucial evidence.
Additionally, making notes about the circumstances leading up to the crash, the names and contact information of any witnesses, and details of the other driver(s) can prove beneficial in the long run.
Step Five: Consult with a Motorcycle Accident Attorney
After ensuring personal safety and cooperating with the police to gather necessary information for the accident report, it is advisable to consult with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer.
These attorneys can help determine if injuries sustained warrant compensation and guide victims through the proper legal steps once they get released from medical care.
By following these steps, individuals can better navigate the aftermath of a serious motorcycle wreck and be on the path to healing.

The Importance of Legal Representation for Motorcycle Accident Victims
Even the most cautious and skilled motorcycle riders face the risk of being involved in accidents. These incidents often happen due to the negligence of other drivers rather than the motorcyclist's actions.
In such cases, it is vital to have the support of a knowledgeable motorcycle accident attorney to ensure fair compensation for injuries and damages.
Identifying Responsible Parties
A thorough investigation of the motorcycle accident is essential to identify the parties at fault. Commonly, liability for crashes can be attributed to several factors, including:
Negligent truck and car drivers who fail to share the road responsibly with motorcyclists, putting them in danger with sudden turns, lane changes, or other hazardous maneuvers.
Manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles who produce faulty components can be responsible for causing dangerous malfunctions that can result in accidents.
Private or public road owners who fail to fulfill their responsibility to construct and maintain safe roads for motorcyclists or neglect to warn them of potential hazards, such as loose gravel or uneven pavement, can be held liable for any resulting accidents.
An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can analyze these factors and determine which party's reckless actions contributed to the accident, holding them accountable for the consequences.
Pursuing Financial Compensation
Motorcycle accident victims who suffer injuries due to someone else's negligence and the families of riders who have lost their lives in such incidents are entitled to seek financial compensation.
With the assistance of a skilled attorney, they can often obtain compensation for the following:
Medical expenses from a motorcycle accident may include emergency care, surgeries, physical therapy, hospitalization, and medication costs associated with treating injuries sustained in the casualty.
Additional expenses from an incident may include costs related to repairing or replacing damaged property and non-medical services needed for recovery and rebuilding.
Lost income can happen for various reasons, such as missed work during the healing process, a permanent disability preventing a person from returning to work, or losing a loved one's income during a fatal accident.
Non-economic damages refer to the harm suffered by a victim or their loved ones that cannot be measured in monetary terms. This may include the loss of companionship, physical or emotional pain and suffering, mental health struggles, and reduced quality of life.
In some instances, the at-fault party can get punished for their extreme or intentional misconduct by awarding punitive damages to motorcycle accident victims. Schuerger Shunnarah can also answer questions such as, "Can you get PTSD from a motorcycle accident?"
The Role of Motorcycle Accident Attorneys
Proficient Houston motorcycle accident attorneys can provide invaluable support in various ways, such as:
Investigating the accident to determine the responsible parties.
Getting necessary documents and records from involved parties.
Negotiating with the at-fault driver and their insurance company to explore settlement options.
Preparing a case for trial if necessary.
Representing the injury or wrongful death claim before a judge or jury.
While opposing parties may use pressure tactics, having a seasoned attorney by one's side can ensure maximum compensation, even if they settle many motorcycle accident claims before reaching trial.
The Bottom Line
Despite the probability of surviving a motorbike accident, riders must remain vigilant and wear helmets to prioritize safety measures. Schuerger Shunnarah can also answer questions like, "At what speed do most motorcycle accidents happen?"
In the unfortunate event of a serious injury or fatality, victims should contact Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys for legal representation.
These skilled motorcycle accident lawyers can help navigate the complexities of these cases and hold negligent parties accountable, ensuring that victims and their families receive the compensation they deserve.